Worldwide Technology Fund

The Herald Worldwide Technology Fund (HWTF) is an Open Ended Investment Company (OEIC) which seeks to achieve capital growth, in excess of the average, by investing in quoted companies in the technology, communications and multi-media sectors.

Read full fund background

Herald Worldwide Technology Fund NAV Performance

The Herald Worldwide Technology Fund (HWTF) is an Open Ended Investment Company (OEIC). Its objective is to seek to achieve capital growth, in excess of the average, by investing in quoted companies in the technology, communications and multi-media sectors.

The Herald Worldwide Technology Fund prices are available here:

A shares 

B shares 


HWTF Our Views on the Market Responsible Investing

The fund believes that it is in the shareholders’ interests to consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when selecting and retaining investments and has asked the investment manager to take these issues into account as long as the investment objectives are not compromised.

The investment manager does not exclude companies from its investment universe purely on the grounds of ESG issues but, where possible, adopts a positive engagement approach whereby matters are discussed with management with the aim of improving the relevant policies and management systems and enabling the investment manager to consider how ESG factors could impact long term investment returns.  The investment manager’s statement of compliance with the UK Stewardship Code and UN PRI can be found under the Responsible Investing page of Herald Investment Management Limited’s web site. The investment manager’s policies  have also been reviewed and endorsed by HWTF’s board. The funds climate report which includes emissions metrics based on Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and an assessment of climate change risks and opportunities can be found in the Herald Worldwide Technology Fund Climate Report (TCFD) 

HWTF’s activities are all outsourced and therefore it does not have any employees. Notwithstanding that the fund has no direct social or community impact, the board encourages the investment manager to consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when selecting and retaining investments. The fund  has given discretionary voting powers to the investment manager, Herald Investment Management Limited. The investment manager votes against resolutions it considers may damage shareholders’ rights or economic interests.

HWTF is subject to the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations 2011 (“the UCITS Regulations”). As such the fund must comply with any relevant EU ESG Regulation. This includes the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation. The fund’s sustainable finance policy is here 


How to invest

Online Dealing:

Class B shares are available from the following platforms:

Aegon Institutional:

A.J.Bell: Retail:

A.J.Bell: Professional:

Hargreaves Lansdown:

Interactive Investor:


Other Dealing:

The minimum initial investment in Herald Worldwide Technology Fund is £1,000 for Class B shares with no minimum subsequent investment and for Class A shares the minimum initial investment is £10,000 and subsequent investments in the Fund may be subject to a minimum of GBP5,000 or such other minimum as may be determined by the Manager. Before applying to make an investment in HWTF you must download and read the latest prospectus and the relevant Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for the class of shares of in which you wish to invest. We also encourage you to read the latest factsheet for the fund which can be found above. If after reading these documents you are in any doubt as to the suitability of HWTF as an investment you should consult an independent financial adviser. Remember that the value of an investment in HWTF can fall as well as rise, and that you may get back less than you invested when you redeem your shares.

Click on the following links to download a copy of the documents you need:

Entity Account Opening Form

Individual Account Opening  Form

Account Holder Dealing Form

Data Protection Notice


The Herald Worldwide Technology Fund is an open-ended investment company (OEIC). The Fund is valued on each business day by reference to the latest available prices for the investments it holds quoted on the immediately preceding business day. Applications for share purchases/sales should be submitted to the administrator, Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland ) Limited, by 17:00 (Irish time) on   the business day preceding the Dealing Day.

Shareholder Information Directors

Fergus Sheridan (Chairman) (Irish)

Fergus Sheridan was appointed to the board on 2 May 2017. Fergus is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (UK). Following a 20 year corporate career in risk management he departed Irish Life Assurance as Treasurer, in 1994, to establish Strategic Risk Management Ltd as a consultancy. He has also been an independent non-executive director since 1995 and is now fully engaged in that capacity. He holds post graduate qualifications in corporate governance (University College Dublin) and Company Direction (Institute of Directors); was a founding director of the Corporate Governance Association of Ireland; and founding Chairman of the Irish Fund Directors Association.

Dominic Del Mar (British)

Dominic Del Mar  was appointed to the board on 3 March 2020. Dominic worked for Peel Hunt from 1997 – 2009 performing a number of roles including Equity Research, trading, Specialist Sales and General UK Mid and Small Cap sales. In 2009 he joined Singer Capital Markets as a Partner, and following it’s merger with N+1 Brewin, he became Head of Sales and Trading for the combined entity. In 2018 he founded a business aiding and assisting UK listed companies with their Investor Relations and positioning.

Charles Ekins (British)

Charles Ekins was appointed to the board on 7 March 2018. Charles is the founder and Chief Executive of Ekins Guinness LLP which manages the TB Enigma Funds. Previously he was Chief Investment Officer at Valu-Trac Investment Management, prior to which he spent 19 years at Morgan Grenfell (Deutsche) Asset Management where he was a portfolio manager, member of the Investment Policy Committee and client director. He read Maths with Computing Science at Bristol University and has an MBA from the City University Business School. Mr Ekins is a shareholder in the parent company of the Investment Manager.

Paul Halley (Irish)

Paul Halley was appointed to the board on 2 May 2017.Paul is a business graduate of Trinity College Dublin and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ireland. He acts as an independent non-executive director with board positions on a portfolio of authorised investment funds and non-financial service related entities. He has held senior management positions in the fields of compliance, fund services and trustee/depository services with a range of blue chip financial service providers in Ireland. Previous to this, he worked with Bank of Ireland Asset Management, Dolmen Stockbrokers, BNY Mellon and IBRC Assurance Company.


The fund’s remuneration policy for the fund’s directors is below. It takes into account ESG considerations

HWTF remuneration policy



Fergus Sheridan, Chairman (Irish)

Paul Halley (Irish)

Charles Ekins (British)

Dominic Del Mar (British)



In Ireland:
Arthur Cox
Ten Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2, DO2 T380 Ireland

In England:
20 Cursitor Street
London, EC4A 1LT, England


Ten Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
D02 T380


Bridge Fund Management Limited
Percy Exchange, 8/34 Percy Place
Dublin 4, DO4 P5K£


Herald Investment Management Ltd
10-11 Charterhouse Square
London EC1M 6EE


One Spencer Dock
North Wall Quay
Dublin 1
D01 X9R7


Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Ltd
Georges Court
54-62 Townsend Street
Dublin 2
D02 R156


Bradwell Limited
Ten Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
D02 T380


Northern Trust Fiduciary Services (Ireland) Ltd
George’s Court
54-62 Townsend Street
Dublin 2
D02 R156

Reports to UK Shareholders

The Class A shares and the Class B shares of Herald Worldwide Technology Fund PLC, which have both been accepted as ‘reporting funds’ under the UK’s offshore funds tax regime with effect from 1st January 2011, are required to make a report annually to UK investors. These reports are published below for the convenience of UK investors, who should consult their accountant or other tax adviser if they are in any doubt as to what action they should take in respect of them.

2023 Report to UK Investors
2022 Report to UK Investors
2021 Report to UK Investors
2020 Report to UK Investors
2019 Report to UK Investors
2018 Report to UK Investors
2017 Report to UK Investors
2016 Report to UK Investors
2015 Report to UK Investors
2014 Report to UK Investors
2013 Report to UK Investors
2012 Report to UK Investors
2011 Report to UK Investors




Welcome to the website for Herald Investment Management Limited (HIML). These pages provide a brief introduction to HIML and details of the funds it manages, currently Herald Investment Trust Plc, the Herald Worldwide Technology Fund and two venture capital limited partnerships.

These pages are regularly updated to include up-to-date financial and performance data, but please feel free to contact us with comments, or to request further information. It is important that you read the notices below before proceeding, as they explain certain legal and regulatory restrictions which apply to the information contained in this website.

The information provided in this website is solely for use by individuals who are resident in the United Kingdom and who are subject to UK tax; it is not intended as, and should not be regarded as, an offer or solicitation to sell investments in any jurisdiction other than the UK. Individuals who are not resident in the UK should not continue as it may be contrary to local laws or regulations for them to receive information in connection with, or to apply for, a UK investment. In particular, Herald Investment Trust Plc shares are not registered under United States securities law and, subject to limited exceptions, may not be offered, sold, transferred or delivered in the United States or to US persons. By proceeding, you are representing and warranting that you are not resident in, or a citizen of, a jurisdiction outside the UK.

Stock market and currency movements may cause the capital value of shares and the income derived from them to go down as well as up, and investors may get back less than they invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The value of any tax relief you may be entitled to will depend on your individual circumstances. Current tax rates and reliefs may be changed by future legislation.

This website has been approved for purposes of UK regulation by Herald Investment Management Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Although we have taken reasonable care to ensure that the facts contained in these pages are accurate, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to their accuracy or completeness. The contents of the website are not to be considered as investment advice.

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